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Mumara Campaigns

Exlusive Features

A set of exlusive features has been short-listed out of thousands of more options available in Mumara Campaigns.
Contact Management
Managing the contacts is key for the successful ROI of your marketing efforts. Manage your contacts seamlessly with Mumara automation tools.
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It's about time that you can stop wasting on managing your contacts manually. Mumara Campaigns automates the process of segmenting your email list based on defined criteria.
Suppression Management
Avoid problematic recipients from destroying your IP address or Domain’s reputation, such as spam traps, honey pots, complainers, etc, by adding them to the suppression.
Personalization Options
The hype of email personalization is everywhere and everyone acknowledges that creating personalized content can significantly improve the email response rate.
Mumara Campaigns provides an extensive set of options for exploring Sales Process Management, Automation & Data-Driven Marketing, filters for dividing those markets into targeted groups, Workflow Automation for nurturing leads into clients, and a highly flexible structure to employ it as you wish.
Campaigns & Designing
Create visually arresting HTML series employing an integrated WYSIWYG or Drag and Drop (addon) editor.
Swift Sending and the Assets
Massive options and variations for the email flow and use your own assets for the email branding.
Bounce and Spam Complaints Processing
Collect, categorize and process bounced and abuse complaint emails efficiently with Mumara Campaigns to protect your company.
Lead Generation Options
The primary key, or foundation, to sustainable financial growth, focuses on business earnings produced by lead generation.
Reporting & Analytics
Mumara Campaigns provides info to help you make precise reports on your campaign’s performance.
Admin & Roles
No need to take control of the entire procedure by yourself. You can also add staff users (administrators) with limited roles to users.
User Management & Packages
Create marketing plans that offer greater value than your competitors and sell them to make a better living.
Profile Management & Security
You have the flexibility to modify the settings and add additional security to your account.
Ready to Get Started with Mumara Campaigns