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Software for Email Service Providers

Sell Your Email Marketing Plans using MumaraClassic ESP Edition
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Get Onboard to Start Your Email Service

The ESP Edition of MumaraClassic is self-hosted web application, exclusively designed for the ESPs or large enterprises. One application capable of configuring high performance email infrastructure and managing both administrative as well as the client end of the ESP. Email service providers can have the Mumara ESP installed on their webserver, can configure it with all required resources to offer email services to its clients.
Sending Server
servers config
Sending Server Configuration

Sending Server Configuration

The ESP version of MumaraClassic has made the challenging task of configuring an email infrastructure fairly easy. The seamless integration of market leader Mail Transfer Agent PowerMTA™ with all its valuable directives would help you design an infrastructure capable for high performance email delivery.
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Client Portal

Offer your client a feature rich platform to kick start the email marketing journey. MumaraESP separately maintains a client portal, where registered client accounts would use their login credentials to log into the portal. The client side offers extensive list of features for contact list management and email marketing automation.

White Label Sending

Clients registered with MumaraESP can setup their accounts for white label sending. White label sending would enable the client account to setup its own domain for sending, as well as a bounce to mailbox to collect bounce notifications. The process of white labeling the client account is well-knitted within a step by step wizard to complete.

Admin Management Tools

Set of tools and settings to effectively control, present, manage the application and monitor the email stream. Make use of white labeling function to private label the application, effectively manage the parental controls/settings and make use of support agent account for uninterrupted support to your clients and proactive monitoring of email stream.
Ready to Get Started with Mumara ClassicESP