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Mumara Campaigns

The Most Powerful Application for Your Email Marketing Infrastructure

A Powerful Way to Organize Your Email Marketing Efforts
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Mumara Campaigns

Integrated Apps

Elastic Email

Cherry Picked Features for Marketing Automation

Mumara Campaigns is a collection of core features to help you leverage data-driven email marketing. It is too flexible to operate, easy to automate, and detailed when it comes to its ability of reporting and performance analysis. Take a step forward, organize your email data, automate and turn ordinary email data into an actionable workflow.

Contact Management & Segmentation

Adding a new list to your system with the required set of additional contact information is as easy as filling out a few simple text fields and clicking a few checkboxes. Centralized operations will help you effectively manage the contact lists and perform a series of quick actions.

Multiple Contact Lists for Multiple Niches

Mapping contacts into different contact lists is the best way to stay organized. you start collaborating with Mumara, your contacts will be better organized than ever before.
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Multiple contact lists
Custom fields

Custom Fields and Utilization

Would you like to have a more personalized email? Mumara Campaigns is here to help you build stronger relationships with your recipients by allowing you to automatically greet your recipients with their names, use location data, and easily insert other details specific to them.

Segments That Perform Well

It's about time that you can stop wasting on managing your contacts manually. Mumara Campaigns automates the process of segmenting your email list based on defined criteria.
Suppression management

Suppression Management to Avoid Problematic Recipients

Avoid problematic recipients from destroying your IP address or Domain’s reputation, such as spam traps, honey pots, complainers, etc, by adding them to the suppression.

Personalization Options

The hype of email personalization is everywhere and everyone acknowledges that creating personalized content can significantly improve the email response rate. Mumara Campaigns helps you practically implement from the general level of personalization to advanced dynamic values within your content.

Profile Variables into the Email Content

Personalize the email content by embedding the recipient's profile fields within the outgoing emails. It provides a better ROI by engaging with the recipients and significantly increases the open rate.

Dynamic Content Tags and Unit Rules

Stop sending generic emails to your customers. Add targeted content units to your emails based on their profile and activity. Our platform provides the capability to personalize your customer engagement strategy, based on who they are and where they're at in the shopping journey.

Conditional Content for Real Time Processing

Conditional content provides an opportunity to add inline conditions with unique content in your broadcast based on the recipient’s custom fields, tags, contact lists, and more.

Predictable Purchase Pattern

Design your promotions on the geographic features of your subscribers. Men will be less inclined to be excited by new releases if they feature a mix of women’s products. In the same way, you can predict the behavior of visitors by looking into factors such as Language.


Mumara Campaigns offers limitless options to explore the potential of Sales Process Management, Automation & Data-Driven Marketing, extensive filters to turn unclassified markets into targeted segments, advanced Workflow Automation to nurture leads, and a flexible structure to use it as you want.

Drip Campaigns and Auto Follow-Ups

Create a series of auto follow-up emails for your business. You can define criteria to send the series of automated emails at specified time intervals. Whether it is to remind people about your products, services, or maybe even for follow-up on their inquiries.
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Triggers to Perform Automated Actions

A trigger executes an action upon the occurrence of an event. An event is your defined criteria of anything being happened that Mumara can understand. Grow your financial figures and sales by putting your marketing on complete automation.

Evergreen Campaigns to send frequent campaigns

Keep the recipient’s attention intact, by sending him the content that would stay relevant for a longer time. The function of the Evergreen Campaign would help you manage the evergreen content that you repeatedly want to send to your contacts, set up the frequency to repeat the sending process after hours, days, weeks, or months, etc.

Split Test to Decide the Best Variant

Test different versions of a campaign in the laboratory environment and deliver the best variant of the campaign to ensure maximum conversion rate.

Campaigns & Designing

Create aesthetically striking HTML campaigns using an integrated WYSIWYG editor. Schedule to send the campaigns on the desired date & time and to the contacts within the selected list(s), or even to the contacts separated from the list(s) and belonging to a specific Segment.

Broadcasts and the Content

Create and edit beautiful HTML broadcasts very easily using the WYSIWYG editor from scratch or use the pre-built templates.

Spintags to Generate Unique Content

Rotate content to keep it unique and refreshing by adding variations in your content through the use of the powerful Spintag feature.

Campaign Scheduling and Future Scheduling

Schedule the desired broadcasts to the selected contact lists or a segment through single or multiple sending nodes for now or schedule it for later by specifying a date/time to start. If you select multiple assets, it will work in rotation without duplicacy.
Campaign scheduling

Speed Throttling for Maximizing Seliverability

Under certain circumstances, you may need to throttle the sending speed of your campaigns to enhance the deliverability or for several other possible reasons.

Swift Sending and the Assets

Sending Domains and Authentication

Brand the outgoing emails with your own business domain(s) to make them look more professional and enhance their credibility by authenticating them with the auto-generated DKIM keys and SPF.
Sending Domains
Tracking Domains

Custom Tracking Domains

Use custom tracking domains to replace the actual domains behind the hyperlinks and images to look more professional and secure.

Sending Nodes to relay the emails

The sending node is an endpoint where Mumara will push the email packet for the final delivery. A sending node could be an SMTP or an ESP (email service provider) integrated with Mumara. Multiple sending nodes selection for a single campaign will put the selected sending nodes in rotation.
Sending Nodes

Multithreading to Speed up the Email Shipment

Accelerate the process of supplying emails to the mail server(s) by opening up parallel connections with the help of multithreading.

Sequential & Random Sending Node Selection

Ability to decide how do you want the multiple sending nodes to rotate for a single campaign. Sequential selection will follow the round-robin fashion; however, the random selection will pick up the next sending node within the loop in random order.
Speed throttling

Bounce and Spam Complaints Processing

A high-quality email list is the essence of whole email marketing; don’t let it be contaminated with bounces and abuse complaints that pose the biggest threat to your sender’s reputation. Collect, categorize and process bounced and abuse complaint emails on time with Mumara Campaigns to avoid the damage.
custom bounce rules

Default and Custom Bounce Rules

Mumara Campaigns offers a bunch of options to better classify and process the delivery failures according to your preferences. Select your preferred way of processing the bounces and define custom rules to categorize the bounce as hard or soft.
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Bounce Addresses and IMAP/POP processing

Add bounce addresses and authenticate them over the IMAP or POP connection so Mumara can log in to the bounce mailboxes, read the delivery status notifications (DSN), and flag the bounced recipients.
Automate your marketing

Feedback Loops (FBL) To Process Spam Reports

Don't make the mistake of repeating the error of repeatedly sending mail to spam recipients. Use the built-in automated system to attach your feedback loop (FBL) email addresses in Mumara Campaigns to identify and process the spam.

Lead Generation Options

Lead generation is the primary key to financial growth that is mainly a core focus of any company for survival and progress.

Web Forms

You can create a lead capture form in minutes – no coding required – and start generating more leads right away by integrating the HTML codes into your website or app.

Opt-in and Double Opt-in Functionality

When creating a web form, you can select if the subscribers need to double opt-in by clicking on the confirmation link that they receive in the confirmation email upon filling up the form.

Use API to Add Contacts

Connect your website or a third-party application with Mumara using the restful API and feed data to the contact lists.

Use Zapier to Add New Leads

Connect Mumara with Zapier to gain access to unlimited workflows and create zaps to add new contacts to Mumara when a defined event occurs.

Reporting and Analytics

Performance tracking is the key element to ensure email marketing growth. Mumara Campaigns offers detailed and valuable information on the sent campaigns, the information you need to draw precise performance analysis. It separately arranges a section for Statistics to individually analyze the performance of email campaigns, drips, and triggers.

Live Events

Track live engagements at a single place and stay updated about who is opening your emails or clicking on the links or unsubscribing from your newsletters.

Live Email Sending Graph

No need for the cumulative calculations of how many emails are being sent from your installation. Just keep an eye on the dashboard Live Sending graph which tells you an exact count of the emails sent every second.

Real-time Recipient’s Engagements Tracking

Real-time reporting of the engagements for every individual campaign i.e. the emails being opened, links being clicked, unsubscribes, spam complaints, etc.

Delivery Status Reports Processing

Mumara has the ability to understand and process the delivery reports from the integrated Sending Nodes and update the stats accordingly e.g. injected, rejected, delivered, bounced, spam, etc.

Geographical Reporting and Analysis

A valuable part of reporting and performance tracking is to know which part of the world your campaigns are welcomed the most. Mumara Campaigns lets you learn the precise location of the campaign’s open, and clicked.

Geo-Location Data Populating

Reveals the geolocation details such as country, city, state, region, zip of the people who open your email or make a click. It also lets you make segments based on geographical details.

Top Domains

View the top domains your emails are being sent to and focus your team more to be friends with them.

Most Opened by Devices

It gives you a brief summary of what devices are being used to open your emails along with a percentage breakup e.g. desktop, mobile, etc.

A/B Testing to Find the Best

Split the results of a campaign based on high performing broadcast, contact list, or a sending node. View detailed analytics on a single page.

Manage Admins and Roles

No need to manage it completely yourself. Add user staff users (admins) and assign them roles with limited privileges.

Admin Roles & the Access Control List

Add roles for your staff members and select from the huge list of privileges. There is no restriction on the number of roles or the number of admins.
Admin roles

Add administrators and split the duties

Power up your infrastructure by adding more hands to it and handling it more professionally. Create admin roles and let them work for you.

User Management and Packages

For commercial use, create packages and sell them to your clients to generate handsome revenue.

User Roles

User role defines the boundaries of the users residing within the role and doesn’t let any user go beyond.
User Roles


Create packages and define the limits e.g. contacts, hourly rate, daily/monthly emailing limits, overall limits, sending domains, sending nodes, triggers, segments, and more.

User Accounts

Add users to let them send emails for themselves. The users are responsible for their own data/assets that are not shareable with other users.
User Accounts


Through a Preferred Email Relay Service

Mumara Campaigns remains the only email marketing service with that much flexibility and choices to deliver your emails. Apart from a Custom Configured Mail Server, you can use a well-structured system of eminent email relay services like SendGrid, Mailgun, Amazon and such. No matter which email relaying service is in your preferred list? Mumara Campaigns offers integration with all market leaders.
Increase Conversions

Increase Conversions by Sending Personalized Emails

Build up stronger relationship with your recipients by addressing them with their names and other details. Yes, with Mumara, you can define up to any number of custom fields associated with your recipients and embed into your email content.

Profile Management & Security

Mumara Campaigns allows you to manage your profile. You can view and update your profile information. It also lets you set up security parameters such as enabling two-factor authentication and IP restricted access.
Profile Management

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Largely Trusted by Digital Natives Worldwide

Companies and brands across the globe trust Mumara to help them capitalize on the potential of existing clientele and find out new markets to their wings.

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